Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"The Art and Science of Teaching"

Today I (and the rest of the selected team) finished up our Marzano training. We've had 6 days total of training (broken up into 3 groups of 2 days at time). The training was based out of his book "The Art and Science of Teaching".

I loved, loved, LOVED it. It gave me as a beginning teacher a lot to think about. It has also matched up with what my teaching philosophy is (and is becoming) and other professional texts I am reading/have read.

My team is now in the process of defining our next steps. We're looking at creating a model of teaching/instruction for our school and creating a cohesive language and strategy bank for assisting teachers in being more effective and finding success in the teaching model.

As we had moments to talk about what we were learning yesterday, we came up with a writing strategy to use K-5. Ok. We didn't come up with the 4-Square model, but we looked at how we could use it throughout our school. Those of us in lower elementary (first grade) talked about how to use it in K-1. Those in middle elementary (second) talked about how to transition it to 2-3. The upper elementary (fourth) did the same for 4-5. We talked about how to use it for all types of writing--informative, narrative, persuasive, etc. We even talked about how to use as a graphic organizer in Math and Science. We discussed how even though the amount of writing will differ for each grade level, the process will still be the same. The students will have a cohesive and consistent model to use in their writing/thinking.

It was so much fun!

One frustrating thing was one team member. She seemed uninterested the whole time. So much so that she decided not to attend the afternoon session today. Really?!

We also had conversations about teachers who will give resistance. I know that no where is going to be 100% buy-in. Or maybe it can be?

I want to work in a place where teachers are excited about teaching and improving. I want to be in a place where we have honest and open conversations about what works and what doesn't work. I want to be in a place where teachers are willing to make changes.

I have thought multiple times this year that my current district may not be the place for me. But does the "perfect" place exist? Does the location and issues of my school/district prevent that?

How do you be the change you want to see?

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